May 9, 2013

Jodi Arias Update!

Court was supposed to resume today at 4 PM eastern.  Everyone was at the courthouse (prosecutor, defense, jury and the family and friends of Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias).  Even the prosecution witness, Dr. Horn, the medical examiner, was ready to testify.  Without notice, court was abruptly canceled!  No reason was given.  There are speculations that Jodi's antics are at play.  Right after the verdict was handed down, Jodi took it upon herself to talk to the media!  She claims that she wants the death penalty instead of life in prison.  Many believe that she is trying to use manipulation to get what she really wants, life!  She says that she wants to die, but that's not what she really wants.  Because of her "supposed" will to die, she is now in a psych ward in another prison!  She's not the least bit remorseful.  She continued to trash Travis Alexander!  As if his death isn't enough!

Well, anyway, Court should resume again on Wednesday, May 15th.  She's not going to get what she wants this time.  She is only delaying the inevitable!  Stay tuned.

May 8, 2013

Breaking News - Verdict Reached!

Jodi Arias has just been found GUILTY of first degree murder!  It took the jury three days, 15 hours to come up with the verdict.  It's not over.  The jury returns to court tomorrow morning for the "aggravation" phase.  I believe the state is going to make the argument before the jury.  Stay tuned.